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 Wind Farm (Generating station of >50 < 100 MW Capacity )
 Ladyfield Renewable Energy Park
  Argyll and Bute Council
 Ben Pizii
 Environmental Resource Management
 6th Floor, 102 West Port, Edinburgh, EH3 9DN
 Kenneth Reid
 Ladyfield Renewable Energy Park Ltd
 Noah's Ark, Market Street, Charlbury, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, OX7 3PL
 0131 221 6874
 The Development comprises: - up to 13 three-bladed horizontal axis wind turbines with a maximum height of 180 m (with a capacity up to 58.5MW), and associated foundations and hardstanding areas; - Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) (with a capacity of up 41.4 MW); - Access tracks of 5.5 m width consisting of localised upgrades to 4 km of existing forestry track and 9.7 km of new track, including watercourse crossings, and would be retained permanently for forestry access; - Network of underground cabling, laid where possible alongside the access tracks; - A substation, control building and BESS located within a compound measuring approximately 65 m x 135 m, which will also include any external electrical infrastructure and vehicle parking; - anemometer mast up to 112 m in height; - Two Temporary construction compounds; - One extension to an existing borrow pit for aggregate extraction; - The Site will be accessed via two access points off the A819. A new access junction is proposed at NGR 209101, 716517, to be constructed in the north of the Site, with a new crossing installed over the River Aray. Secondly, an existing access junction at NGR 208923, 713010 would be upgraded and the existing crossing over the River Aray would be replaced with a new bridge; and - Felling of approximately 79.3 ha of forestry (replanting on-site and compensatory planting will be required). A 50 m micro-siting allowance in any direction for turbines and all other infrastructure is applied to the Development is sought.
 18 Dec 2023