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 Gordonbush Extension Wind Farm - Variation
  Highland Council
 Andrew Curds
 Ash Design + Assessment Ltd
 21 Gordon Street, Glasgow, G1 3PL
 0141 2273388
 Gillian Wilson
 SSE Generation
 55 Vastern Road, Reading, RG1 8BU
 The main purposes of the variation application are to permit a proposed reduction in the number of turbines from fifteen to a maximum of eleven, and an increase in the tip height of remaining turbines from 130m up to a maximum tip height of 149.9m (and a maximum rotor diameter of up to 136m). Other changes include a reduction in the length of access track given reduced number of turbines, removal of the consented additional operations building, repositioning of temporary batching plant, amendment to indicative borrow pit extraction volumes, removal of permanent operational met mast, repositioning and substitution of the permanent meteorological mast to a LiDAR and associated 4x4 track; and retention of existing operational Gordonbush Wind Farm meteorological mast (southern). No change to the turbine layout of the remaining eleven turbines is proposed. It is anticipated that the capacity of the Proposed Varied Development would exceed 30MW, which combined with the existing Generating Station capacity exceeds 50MW. Following submission of the section 36C Application in January 2019, ground investigation works have been undertaken which has resulted in a further change to the application. An Addendum has been prepared that reports on these changes. The Addendum changes, referred to as ‘Proposed Varied Development (Addendum)’ comprise: relocation of Turbine 4 by approximately 113m (and renaming to T4b) and deletion of associated access track length; removal of one borrow pit search area; inclusion of one new borrow pit search area and associated construction access; relocation of the concrete batching plant; and construction of an additional circa 330m of access track.
 28 Jan 2019
 05 Nov 2019