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 Wind Farm (Generating station of >100 <200 MW Capacity)
 Ourack Wind Farm
  Highland Council
 Colin Lavety
 Stantec UK Limited
 5th Floor, 9 George Square, Glasgow, G1 1DY
 Alison Daugherty
 Ourack Wind Farm LLP
 3rd Floor, The Tun Building, 4 Jackson's Entry, Holyrood, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH8 8PJ
 The erection and operation of a wind energy generating station (wind farm) of 18 turbines up-to 180m in height-to-tip with an approximate aggregated capacity of 105MW, along with related ancillary infrastructure as follows: Anemometer mast; Substation compound with control building and network operator building; Circa 50MW battery storage and associated compound with control room, containerised storage modules and invertors/ transformers; Temporary site compounds, laydown and storage areas and associated construction infrastructure, including a concrete batching plant; Upgrades to existing site entrance junction on the A940, including vegetation clearance, and to the existing track leading from the junction into the site; Internal access tracks to connect proposed WTG locations and other infrastructure to the site entrance; Three borrow pits: one at the western extent of the site and two search areas to the eastern end of the site; WTG foundations; Crane hardstanding adjacent to each WTG; Aviation lighting (subject to CAA approval); Buried electrical cabling between WTG and substation compound; and, Offsite road improvements, specifically on the A939 at Castle Grant and Dava Bridge.
 18 Oct 2022