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 Wind Farm (EIA)
 Clachaig Glen Wind Farm
  Argyll and Bute Council
 Siobhan Wolverson
 AECOM, 1 Tanfield, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH3 5DA
 Jonathan Barnes
 RWE Renewables UK Onshore Wind Ltd
 A wind farm and battery storage proposal near Muasdale on the Kintyre Peninsula in Argyll and Bute. This comprises up to 12 wind turbines (seven with a maximum blade tip height of 185 metres and five with a maximum blade tip height of 200 metres), a battery storage facility (with an expected upper capacity of 30 megawatts) and associated infrastructure. The total capacity of the Proposed Development is expected to be 90 megawatts, with the maximum capacity being less than 100 megawatts.
 17 Mar 2022