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 Wind Farm (EIA)
 Lethen Wind Farm
  Highland Council
 All Contacts
 4th Floor Centrum House, 108-114 Dundas Street, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH3 5DQ
 Julie Aitken
 Fred. Olsen Renewables
 2nd Floor, 36 Broadway , London, SW1H 0BH
 The Proposed Development will comprise 17 wind turbines up to 185 m blade tip height when vertical, each being around 6 megawatt (MW) in power rating. The combined generation capacity of the turbines will be approximately 102 MW, supported by additional energy storage provision with an output capacity of around 10 MW. The associated infrastructure will include: site access, access tracks, crane hardstandings, underground cabling, on-site substation and maintenance building, energy storage facility, temporary construction compounds, laydown area, potential excavations/borrow workings and a permanent meteorological mast.
 17 Dec 2021
 23 Feb 2024