Wind Farm (EIA)
Artfield Forest Wind Farm
Dumfries and Galloway Council
Peter Bruce
Ramboll UK Limited
80 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3BU
0131 297 2676
John Wallace
Artfield Forest Wind Farm Limited
19th Floor , 22 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 4BQ
The erection and 30-year operation of a generating station with generation capacity of greater than 50 MW (expected to be around 67.2MW) comprising up to 12 wind turbine generators at 180M blade tip height together with ancillary development including internal transformers and related switchgear at each turbine; associated turbine foundations and hardstanding areas; meteorological masts; access tracks with associated water crossings, passing place and turning heads; borrow pits; substation compound; energy storage; temporary site construction compounds; network of electrical cables; batching plant and associated ancillary works (as further described in EIAR Volume 2: Chapter 2: Development Description). The application for consent proposes a main access point into the wind farm directly from the public road west of Tarf Bridge.
24 Mar 2021
10 Feb 2023