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 Gas (Other Generating Station)
 The Peterhead Low Carbon CCGT Power Station Project
  Aberdeenshire Council
 Geoff Bullock
 Dalton Warner Davis LLP
 6 New Bridge Street, London, Greater London, EC4V 6AB
 020 7489 4892
 Andrew Underwood
 SSE Thermal Generation (Scotland) Limited
 Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth, PH1 3AQ
 The Application is seeking development consent for the construction, operation and maintenance of a low carbon Combined Cycle Gas Turbine generating station with a capacity of up to 910 megawatts electrical output including post-combustion carbon capture plant and works to the existing cooling water, natural gas and electrical grid connections to be located on land in the vicinity of the existing Peterhead Power Station near Boddam in Aberdeenshire.
 18 Feb 2022