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 Battery Energy Storage System (EIA)
 Kilmarnock South Battery Electricity Storage System (BESS)
  East Ayrshire Council
 Chris Pepper
 TNEI Services Limited
 7th Floor, 80 St Vincent St, Glasgow, G2 5UB
 0141 428 3180
 James McBride
 TNEI Services Limited
 TNEI, 7th Floor, 80 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5UB
 Application for Section 36 Consent with Deemed Planning Permission for a Battery Electricity Storage System (BESS) and Associated Infrastructure on Land adjacent to Kilmarnock South Substation, Treeswoodhead Road, Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire.
 22 Feb 2022
 22 Feb 2022