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 Wind Farm (EIA)
 Cloud Hill Windfarm
  Dumfries and Galloway Council
 0669769 - Cloud Hill Windfarm
 - 11 three-bladed wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 180 m, with associated foundations and hardstanding areas; - Battery Energy Storage System (BESS); - Access tracks (existing, upgraded and new); - Electrical Infrastructure (substation and control room, with underground cabling between each turbine and the substation); - A temporary construction compound; - Up to three borrow pits; and - A permanent met mast (approximately 100 m). It is proposed that a 50 m micro-siting allowance in any direction for turbines and all other infrastructure is applied to the Proposed Development. Beyond this distance, any relocation of turbines or infrastructure will require written approval from the Dumfries and Galloway Council. The layout of the Proposed Development is presented in EIA Report Volume 2a Figure 1.3. The Applicant seeks s36 consent and deemed planning permission to operate the Proposed Development for a period of no less than 35 years. The Applicant also seeks direction under Section 58(1)b of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended, that deems planning permission lapses if the development has not begun within a period of 5 years.
 03 Oct 2023