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 Battery Energy Storage System (EIA)
 Branxton Energy Storage Facility
  East Lothian Council
 Ben Pizii
 Environmental Resource Management
 6th Floor, 102 West Port, Edinburgh, EH3 9DN
 Kenneth Reid
 EastcoastGridServices Ltd
 67 Westow Street, London, SE19 3RW
 07385 971258
 The Development would be a grid services facility comprising battery storage modules designed to balance power flows and adjust and support frequency and voltage conditions on the national electricity grid and other associated ancillary electrical infrastructure. The electrical export capacity of the Development is yet to be confirmed but is expected to be exceed 50 MW. The Development would be operational for a temporary period of 40 years; after which it would be decommissioned. The development would comprise Battery Storage containers and associated infrastructure.
 17 Nov 2022
 19 Dec 2023