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 Wind Farm (EIA)
 Crosbie Wind Farm
 Pre Application Complete
  North Ayrshire Council
 Colin Lavety
 Stantec UK Limited
 5th Floor, 9 George Square, Glasgow, G1 1DY
 Laura Petrie
 Galileo 01 Ltd (Part of Galileo Green Energy (GGE) Scotland Ltd)
 7-9 N St David Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1AW
 Installation of up to 13 turbines with a tip height up to 200 metres (m) and associated infrastructure, with a generation capacity exceeding 50 megawatts (MW) and a battery energy storage facility (BESS) with a capacity exceeding 50MW. The associated infrastructure will likely include access tracks, electrical infrastructure, temporary construction compounds, a permanent and temporary meteorological (met) mast, and borrow pits.
 29 Nov 2023
 20 Mar 2024